Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Tirdeunaw is a Welsh Medium school consisting of approximately 500 pupils aged between 3- 11 years. We are situated on the outskirts of the city of Swansea. We are privileged to educate pupils from the locality through our native Welsh and English. Our catchment area is wide and we have a diverse range of pupils, many of which come from socially disadvantaged homes who have never travelled outside our locality. 16% of our pupils derive from what is described as a 'Communities First' area, i.e. socio disadvantaged. 10% of our pupils have a close member of their family in prison and 35% of pupils are on the Special Needs register for a variety of difficulties, e.g. hearing impairment, behavioural spectrum, etc, while others are on the register for general difficulties and barriers to learning. Many of the under achieving children are boys and we hope the project will help us span the gap and motivate all pupils, whatever their specific needs or background, to improve their cross curricular skills and desire for learning. We want to participate in this exciting child based project to help our children broaden their knowledge and to recognise and celebrate each others culture, motivating them to learn by working with children across Europe, realizing that the world is a larger place and that we are all interconnected in the 21st century as responsible Global Citizens. We want to be confident in using a wide range of ICT to communicate with our new friends. The project will help us to learn about other languages and develop our perception of European citizenship. The project co-ordinator from Tirdeunaw will lead and organise all planned mobilities and keep the group informed with any upcoming events etc.