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Christmas Cards
Thank-you to each partner country for sharing Christmas cards with each other.
They were all beautiful.
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas.

Christmas greetings from 1.b from Kroggaardsskolen in Odense
2.a wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
2.b are excited to read all the Christmas cards from Wales, Ireland and Poland

We enjoy to learn more about Christmas in other countries

Thank-you for all the lovely Christmas cards, we really enjoyed reading them.

Here below are the lovely Christmas cards we received from our partner countries! We really enjoyed reading them and loved the designs! Thank you and have a very Merry Christmas!

Here are our pupils in Poland enjoying reading all the wonderful cards.

Wales - Parc y Tywyn
Year 1 pupils with their cards ready to go to Poland.

Boys from 6th class in Dublin are preparing more Christmas cards to send to Denmark - December 2017
Digital Christmas cards
made by 4th and 5th grade students from Poland

Digital Christmas Cards from Wales and Christmas activities from Wales

Some of our pupils ready for the Nativity play

Our pupils making Christmas Hats

Our pupils having a Gingerbread house competition.

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