Ysgol Gymraeg Parc y Tywyn is a Welsh medium school consisting of approximately 250 pupils aged between 3- 11 years. It serves a wide geographical area and so our school population is socially diverse 14% FSM and also pupils from more advantaged backgrounds, all mixing and learning in harmony. We are privileged to educate pupils from the locality through our native Welsh and English. A high % of our pupils come from homes where there is no Welsh spoken at all, but at eleven years of age they are all fully bilingual and transfer to secondary school having attained excellent standards in both Welsh and English. As a school with a diverse population we need to ensure that all pupils are given a range of opportunities to residential visits to enrich their lives and educational experiences from a young age culminating presently in camping trip to climb Snowdon and a visit to London which includes a day at Wimbledon watching the tennis. These are opportunities that a great many of our pupils would not otherwise experience. We enrich children with many after-school clubs, many language based teaching French and Spanish. We work closely with our Secondary school where an Italian language framework is due to begin for primary aged children in September. This, together with current language programmes give our children the correct start and providing them with basic language skills that will enrich their future. Working with colleagues from other countries provides new and rich experiences for staff and pupils alike and is priceless tool empowering a lifetime of memories. These experiences influence provision and foster mutual understanding. It enables us to have a greater appreciation of our own language and culture.