We are a public school in Odense, DK with 626 students and 41 teachers. We have students from the age of 5 to 16. We are a school, where most students come from middle-class homes.
We are a part of an other project called CLIL4U, which focuss on learning a second language using the method Content Language Integrated Learning.
Last year we worked on a local project with our 4. grade classes. We were cooperating with a local company to jointly develop smart bike racks. We used the robot Hummingbirds and the children learned to code the Hummingbird using an on-line program called Snap or Scratch. Through innovative activities they were able to invent new smart bike racks which are to be produced and placed at our school this summer.
This year we are going to a part in an other local projekt about talented children and how to stimulate them in school to make them develop their full potential. It is not just the gifted ones but children in general who does well in school we are to focus on.